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2023/24 Awards Night

  • May 31,2024

The Thomas "Horse" O'Donoghue Perpetual Player of the Year awards took place at The Quays bar in Fermoy on the 17th May. It was great to see so many in attendance and to have Thomas's parents Mary and Liam along with brothers Peter and Patrick there on the night.

To cap off a great night, it was Thomas's brother Patrick who took home the Player of Year award. Well deserved!

Congratulations to all our award winners on the night. As Paddy Ahern said on the night, we didn't make things easy for ourselves this year, but everyone is now looking forward to next season when we can show what out Fermoy rugby players can actually do!

Awards on the night:

Player of the YearPatrick O'Donoghue
Most Improved PlayerEvan Buckley
New PlayerOran Leamy
Top Points ScorerEoin Lacey
U18.5 Player of the YearTommy Long
U18.5 New PlayerOisín Farrell Carey

Patrick O'Donoghue

Eoin Lacey

Evan Buckley

Oran Leamy

Tommy Long

Oisín Farrell Carey